As the decades begin to feel seasonal
And birthdays come so often now
Losing track seems inevitable
There's just so much to forget
Our lives are made of so much of these
Not with the sands of time
More permanent than that
Gone with the distant dreams of those not yet born
Who could never have known your name
Has a day gone by now?
Or was it a week?
What do you mean it's already been 10 years since we last spoke?
Why was our last conversation
So pointless
That we'd
do it
I'm sorry.
I thought it'd just been last week
Why am I dreaming of you
Like it's just been a week since we laughed together
About the most nothing life had to offer
And why can't I find you?
I want to know the dreams mean nothing.
That it was
How many more weeks will go by
before I can even rouse the strength to ask
how did you die?
Didn't we speak just last week?